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Seizure Medication

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fruitsalad | 13:40 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
13 Answers

Further to Mr Fruit falling from the scaffolding, we today went for the results of the mri scan on his head, which is showing something there, he is now being referred to the uclh but in the meantime he's been given anti seizure medication, I've never known him have a seizure in the 41 years of us being married, consultant seemed to think that's why he fell off scaffolding, but he went through the boards, I did mention this, why give medication if it's not needed.



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just cause youve been prescibed meds doesnt mean you have to take them.  If you'd rather take the advice of randomers over a consultant though, i would say it's a bit odd.  perhaps the tabs are to prevent fits from whatever the "something" is?

It may be the same consultant I saw many years ago who, after a junior colleague examined me and found nothing amiss, decided to put me on medication anyway.

My records still show his diagnosis and no amount of straight talking with medics when it comes up will change that, they just plough on with their settled chat, deaf to protestations of the error of their seniors.

It may be because they are concerned whatever the scan showed may cause a seizure. Personally I don't see any harm in taking them until seizures can be ruled out. 

Bednobs started off a bit weirdly - but I agree. Totally inappropriate for any of us to advice on medication which is affecting epilepsy

big hoo-ha about this

yes I know it is 23 y ago - but I have a long memory. Short  lesson: epilepsy medication is  something us  proles can keep away  from

A seizure does not mean it was caused by epilepsy. Some obviously was seen on the MRI and is being followed up. A seizure can be caused by many things, increased pressure, tumour, cyst, infection, clot. The list goes on. Ask the pharmacist for advice.

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Yes culmck, nothing to do with epilepsy, I think the consultant could see what looked like a tumor, Mr Fruit, has to wait to see a specialist now at uclh but I would of thought they would of, waited until after the proper diagnosis, before prescribing.

I hope it all goes well for him, fruit.  I agree with calmk, the scan showed something that the meds may help with.  It should have been explained properly.

What exactly has been prescribed for him?

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Levetiracetam 250mg barry

Thanks, fruit. Many drugs have multiple uses but this seems to be only for epilepsy.

If I were your husband I would take it as prescribed and hope to suffer no side effects. It really is not good enough that he hasn't had a proper explanation for the prescription 

Just read an article that Levetiracetam works differently to other anti eleptics. It seems as though it can target a specific area where a seizure can arise so if the MRI shows a specific area of concern the drug could target only that area. Preventing a  seizure is better than treating one. The choice is of course yours but it is better to err on the side of caution until a diagnosis is forthcoming. Good outcome and best wishes to you both


a lot here

bit gobbedeegooky - best left to the experts

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Thanks all, he's going to do as the consultant suggests, and take them.

Times this week supp - famous actress decided to buck treatment and sit on a mountain top - going 'ummmm' and did surprisingly well.

second opinion ( facing) also ca breast - this is news and not for all of us....She got thro 32 doctors before she found one who said - "eat grass seems OK to me"

(2) I was sitting in the no-hopers lounge at The Christie when a young fella came in and announced he was 'new'. I asked what had happened. Oh I took ( said he) two years off and sat on a mountain top, and ate grass and said 'ummm'. - oh  did it work? nope, that is why I am here. how much? £180 000. where from? Uncle's will.....


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