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What Would You Prefer?

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curlyfries81 | 21:14 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
30 Answers

1. A night down the pub?

2. Dinner in a fancy restaurant?

3. An open-air concert?

4. A night curled up on the sofa with a box-set?

5. Something else? (Please specify)



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5. An evening at the ballet

5. dinner in a non fancy restaurant

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Interesting, Canary43.  I've never been to the ballet.

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Do you have a favourite non-fancy restaurant, bednobs?

2 for me!!! Been ages since I got all togged up 😄

5. Being left alone to get on with my writing.

there is a cheese and charcuterie plce ner me that is LUSH

Dinner in a fancy restaurant with Linda lusardy 😁

Don't tell Mrs Dp😉

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You need to find an excuse to do it, -SharonA-, or just do it without an excuse. 

That's understandable, Atheist. I sometimes prefer peace and quiet.

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Wow that does sound nice, bednobs. 

And would you like to be back in the eighties for your date with LL, DP?

A night at the opera, preferably Glyndebourne.  Bliss.

Different things on different nights 

It depends with whom of course! 

Going to the theatre to a well-performed play which I like- preferably with a meal beforehand, a drink in the interval and another glass of wine, nibbles and dsicussion afterwards.  


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That's very true, UKSWF.  I'm going away with the girls on Monday which will be fantastic, but I'd rather curl up on the sofa with my family.

Just read Atheist's answer - that would come a very close second.  :)

1. A night down the pub?  if they have live music or a jukebox.

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You can't beat a nice real ale pub when there's a good atmosphere and some good music.

I enjoy my single life but a night out down the pub occasionally has its merits but a nice evening at the theatre and drinkies and maybe a cuddle after, and perhaps a nice Sunday Afternoon dog walk and a beer!  Hey ho I can dream! 

Down the pub with friends and the music playing is my idea of hell!  The music is either too loud I can't hear what my friends are saying or my friends are too loud so I can't hear the music.

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