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Medical Retirement

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Bazile | 12:41 Mon 09th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
3 Answers

What's the pro's and con's of  taking medical Retirement from work ?

I know someone who is considering this and I wonder what the effect would be with respect to   getting future  financial services  insurances , another job etc etc 



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I was medically retired from work at 40, 20 years ago.  I received a lump sum and have been living on a civil service pension since then.

It depends upon the person's pension scheme rules.  I attended a medical and was told that I would be unlikely ever to be fit for work again.  But even if I was able to find another job my pension would continue.

I also have an income protection policy which was taken out years before as I suspected that something was wrong but had no diagnosis.



he  will  have to ask his pension scheme - and poss (pay for eek) advice. 

I dont even know the answers for my  own scheme - which has changed 3 times since I retired.

as for future services - he has to decide in each case  how much info he will give ( insurance companies speak to each  other )- I have been un-insurable since 2012, and actually the world is not  that bad - no ! 1999   ( ca colon)

did I say? wolfe is exactly right

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