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Would Meat That Has Been Frozen Since Before Last...

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sandyRoe | 17:29 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
8 Answers

... Christmas be safe to eat?  How long would be needed to defrost it before cooking?



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My suspicion is yes. Supplies left in polar areas have proved edible haven't they. The quality may not be as good as it was though.

yeah it'll be fine.

You haven't said how big the piece is, 2 or 3 kilos around 12 hours at room temp will defrost ok. If you've got time though 30 hours in a fridge is better and then 3 hours at room temp.

In the early days of the EEC, when there were butter mountains and wine lakes, guaranteed prices for all foods, beef was frozen and stored away, some didn't come out until 2 or 3 years later, and proved to be fit to eat.

My suspicion is yes. Supplies left in polar areas have proved edible haven't they


they eat Mammoths when they find them

usual time to defrost

Question Author

It's about 750grammes

Yes. Depends how big it is and where you have put it to defrost 

Won't be unsafe but may have "freezer burn" if not properly wrapped to exclude air.

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Would Meat That Has Been Frozen Since Before Last...

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