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Think I’ve Broken My Little Toe……… Grrrrr.

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Smowball | 22:18 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
9 Answers

Saw MrSmow off on his business trip, then went back in  to sort a few things. Long story short I was barefoot and ended up smashing my left foot - mainly the little toe - on a brick wall. Good god the pain, I literally cried. The phrase 'stubbing your toe' is an understatement. Can't even touch it without almost  crying. Already going blue with bruising. Have managed to tape it to the toe nxt to it as no point going to hosp, that's all they will do anyway. Can barely stand on it so am on bed with foot raised. Oh well, didn't want to do any disco dancing tonight anyway!!



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Try and get some ice on to the toe and thr area around it, should stop it swelling. Good luck.


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Yes, I've just put some in a bowl.... god what a wally I am ! 

Painkillers, get them down your neck


Beeb there, done that, got the t shirt etc !! Know how you're feeling.


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Hi barry - yep I've taken some but not having any effect yet : (

fbg -    can't believe how painful it is. I could just about walk earlier, but just went to get some water and can barely put any weight on my foot at all now. 


Sending a very careful hug. What an awful thing to happen particularly as you're on your own. 

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Oh bless you hun. I mean, I know I'm accident prone but cannot believe how such a silly thing in just 5 seconds can cause so much pain. Hope to god I can at least get about in the morning or else I'll be going down the stairs on my bottom! 

Much better to put your foot up, if possible from the knee, on pillows. Use packet of frozen peas or something similar, wrapped in a towel over the entire foot. Take an anti inflammatory every 6 hours for 24 hours. Then use heat instead of cold. If you can get Ananase, pineapple extract tablets, tomorrow that would be good.

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Pineapple extract? What's it good for?

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Think I’ve Broken My Little Toe……… Grrrrr.

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