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Time To Get Your Covid 19 And 'Flu Jabs.

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Tilly2 | 14:38 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
8 Answers

Don't forget.



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I must have had a dozen text reminders already. We are having ours in a fortnight 

Thanks for the reminder, Tilly2. Mrs. bb and I are having ours on the 15th of next month. It's all organised!

Next Saturday for us.  I will have both but wife wont have covid one if it's the Pfizer as she has been so ill with the last ones of them.  Bedbound for four days at a time and still not right afterwards.

Got mine booked for next Sunday. Just had a shingles jab & arm a little sore, so may have to be jabbed in my other arm!!

Last time the GPs surgery sent a text reminding me.  

If they don't contact me in a couple of weeks I'll phone them about it.

Thanks for the reminder.

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Booked ours using the NHS app. Very easy to do.

Had a letter from the NHS about the new cold vaccine, which I'm ignoring after the Covid problems  because cold viruses are allied to the covid thing as I remember.  The surgery has given up on asking us to have covid vaccines. I'd already asked at the surgery about 'flu vaccine, had them annually for o. 30 yrs.. I've now received a letter from the surgery reminding me!  I'll mention it again next week.

i'll pass after the covid fiasco i don't tust them anymore,at 74 i'll take my chances

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