I have been doing finger/hand stretching exercises to keep the ligaments supple but dont know what to do about the knodules, is there any cream I could use to diminish or soften these.
Keep doing the exercises, it could take years but eventually the fingers might need an operation. My husband had an op a few years ago, but beware, you MUST have physio IMMEDIATELY for the fingers to stay straight afterwards - his hand is much better (couldn't hold the golf club poor lamb) but not perfectly straight, although can use all the fingers now. I would think the longer you do exercises, the better. Hereditary, apparently.
Sorry - about the nodules, I don't think a cream would lessen them, as they are just growing under the skin. Ask your doctor next time you visit for something else, he will refer you to a specialist and you can get some advice from him.
Ive had the op on both my little fingers 3 times and it comes back again SORRY but thats the way it goes but if you want to keep it a little easier rub in LANOLIN CREAM