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sky blues | 18:55 Mon 10th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
i have a 9 year old girl who is 4ft 4inches tall and 6 stone what should her weight be


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A 9 year old (female) child who is 84 pounds and is 4 feet and 4 inches tall has a body mass index of 21.9, which is at the 95th percentile, and would indicate that your child is at risk of becoming overweight.

Your child's ideal body weight would be at a BMI at the 85th percentile or below, and so would be about 73 pounds.

That doesn't necessarily mean that your child has to lose 11 pounds. As he/she gets older and taller, they may thin out some and therefore just need to stop gaining weight, gain weight more slowly or lose some of that weight. Talk to your Pediatrician for more help interpreting these results.

At 9 years old don't even think about her weight being OK or not unless, of course, she is unhealthily fat (which she certainly not). As long as she gets plenty of exercise and eats good nutritious food then all will be OK. She is still growing and developing and often kids put on weight and then have a growth spurt and it all evens out in the end.

Please, please don't let your daughter know you even consider her weight. Too many little ones are now suffering with anorexia at a very young age. I know of a child who took a long time to stop thinking she was fat because a doctor said she was overweight at 9. In fact she grew up to be a tall slim attractive girl. But the damage had been done and she needed lots of help to overcome it.

Children and people in general come in all shapes and sizes. There is enough pressure out there today on children to be perfect and slim. Please just let her enjoy her childhood without having to think about what weight she is.

With respect JoshNoooooma, I don't think BMI's shouldn't even be brought into this.

Best wishes (and sorry if I seem to be preaching)

Theres enough weight worriers about,my daughters nearly 9 she's little for her age but i wouldn't worry too much now there's plenty of time for that when they're teenagers,with all the bu**s**t mags these days.

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