Interesting facts in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Interesting facts

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spk | 05:59 Thu 27th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
21 Answers

Anyone got an interesting fact for the day? Couple of mine- elephants dont have any ankles so they cant jump, the drummer from def leppard only has one arm, and its impossible to sneeze with your eyes open

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Cows can walk up stairs but cant walk down them!

Or is it the other way around?

Question Author
ahh I need a cow now to check !
The cuckoo never sees its young.
why would you want to walk a cow up or downstairs anyway ?
actually I know from personal experience they can walk UP stairs so there you go !!

Hi spk, are you still feeling blue in grey ole Melbourne - by my calculations you'll be out of there in about 15 minutes, time to have a couple of Fosters before bedtime !!

chin up :) :) x
Question Author
Hey Seekeerz ! Good to hear from you ! yup 3 minutes and Im done for the day ! Got a wedding up in Brisbane this weekend so fingers crossed its warm !!! Hows life in Adelaide? Thanks for sorting the cow dilemma !! :-)
you can pinch the skin on your elbow and it wont hurt...also you cant touch your elbow with your tongue.

I've got thousands of these, but don't worry, i'll only put a few on.

A rat can last longer than a Camel without water.

Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucas everyday, or it will digest itself.

The dot over the letter i, is called a tittle.

A raisin dropped into a glass of Champagne will bounce up and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top.

A female Ferret will die if it goes into heat, and cannot find a partner.

a kangaroo ca'nt walk backwards

The spots on each opposite sides of a die all add up to 7...

The word "listen" contains the same letters as the word "silent"...

Butterflies taste through their feet...

Elephants have four knees. (The only animal t have this - I think).

Frogs have no necks.

The word 'feedback' contains the first six letters of the alphabet.

wow i dont have any but iv learnt alot this morning at work.

Are these facts, disabilities, prohibitive laws or bad behaviour?

Cows can walk up stairs but can't walk down them - should they complain to their MP?

The cuckoo never sees its young - that's shameful!

A female Ferret will die if it goes into heat, and cannot find a partner. Is this a neurotic character from 'Sex And The City'?

There are no dry cleaners in Peru....seagulls explode if they are fed bicarbonate of soda...an anagram of Chesney Hawkes is "cheesy wan*er", with an "h" left over....Chanceller Gordon Brown only has one eye....Shirley Maclaine's brother is Warren Beatty...Jasper Carrott's daughter Lucy Davis was receptionist Dawn in The Office...
Babies are born without kneecaps. They appear when the child is 2-6 years of age.
Grapefruit scent will make middle aged women appear six years younger to men. The perception is not reciprocal and the grapefruit scent on men has no effect on women's perception.

Strange, but true.
the only guy in ZZ Top without a beard (the drummer) is called Frank Beard.

On average, twelve newborne will be given to the wrong parents daily, worldwide.

Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland, because he doesn't wear pants.

My favourite, The number of possible ways of playing the first four moves, per side, in a game of Chess, is 318,979,564,000.

The Romans used to wash their clothes in urine. It's to do with the ammonia content apparently. Obviously, the wealthy didn't do it themselves, they had hired help.

Imagine that first day at work 'You want me to do WHAT??

The average person spends 7 months of their ife snogging(monks and nuns excluded)

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