If that were true, the agony columns of teen mags would be empty! If you held ten photos of women up to a group of men, chances are they'd all pick the same one. Certain features seem to attract men, irrespective of age or availability. They include long, blonde hair, long legs and plenty of curves. Maybe there's some genetic message here, but I'm not sure what it is.
In terms of evolution. Men are attracted to women who they feel are most loikely to be able to bear children - clean, big hips, breasts etc. Look at early fertility statues and you get a good idea
Glossy hair and strong nails are signs of good nutrition as well.
Small nose, big eyes and big lips are attractive and it is believe that we are genetically wired to want to be near an prtect such people since they are traits shared by most mammalian infants and is a sort of parenting instinct. Look at things considered cute - puppies, kittens, babies, baby apes and monkeys - they all have these traits.
I believe the single most attractive part of a woman is the hips - i.e. the curvy figure. Therewas a study at a UK university some time ago - Nottingham I think.