hi everyone, iv just returned from my doctors appointment which has confirmed that i am pregnant. iv spoke to my mum this morning and told her i need to tell her something important tonight when i come home from college, so can she make sure my dad is there to, my boyfriend is also going to tell his parents tonight, im really worried iv got the shakes and everything, been crying constantly. thankyou so much for everything yesterday . you made me feel welcome when i needed answers, the best site i have come across with such nice people. thank you so much .
Good luck Kerry! Im sure it will be ok and that they may be shocked but am sure will support you 100%.Isnt your boyfriend going to be with you when you tell your parents?x
your welcome kerry-anne, try not to work your self up to much love, it will be fine, if you were my daughter i'd give you a big hug, and tell you i love you and i will stand by you not matter what decision you make, good luck sweet heart keep us updated x
I haven't seen the previous post Kerry-Ann but good luck with everything and I am sure you will be just fine. You sound very mature and your parents should be so proud to have a daughter like you that can be responsible and honest with them. If ever you have any more questions or concerns or anything then we are all here to help again sweetie ;-) X X X
hi kerry-ann as kazzianne says im sure your parents will be shocked but will support you i became pregnant at 18 and didnt tell my parents until a few weeks before i was due it was probably one of the worse mistakes i made 13 years on and i still feel bad about it. you need support through your pregancy and mums are great for that. try not to get to stressed you have baby to think of and your health. good luck with your pregnancy i hope you have a happy healthy one xxxx
Well done hon fore decideing to tell them. Just remember this is as bad as it gets, you wont feel this bad again. Once you have told them, thats it, it's done. We are here if you need to talk x x
I clearly missed you Q yesterday but good luck hun and don't worry about it. You will be absolutely fine. Just remember that it seems over powering now but in 9 months it will be the best thing that ever happened to you.
i'm sure everything will be alright for you.let us all know how you get on we are here for you if you need to talk any more ,good luck with parents xxxx
Good luck honey!! I'm sure it will go better than expected! will be thinking of you this evening and sending you and your boyfriend good luck vibes!! xx
Oh good luck sweetie! I'll be thinking of you - I think we all will! You are so brave and very wise for telling your parents now. You will need their support through this so it's good that your telling them now! Good Luck and let us know tomorrow how it goes! x
kerry-ann i wish you all the luck in the world it reminded me of how i was when i found out at the age of 16,but my sons now 21 my parents loved him from the day he was born wouldnt change a thing so glad i had him,you will be fine ive got my fingers crossed for you tonight im sorry to say but its a parents nightmere to hear this news but please dont worry they love you and they will love the child too,keep your chin up hun it will be ok xx
Hi kerry, you have done the right thing so far,now that you have spoken to your mum and told her you have something important to tell her,she might well have guessed what you are going to say anyway,so don't be worried she will give you a big hug,call you stupid,rant at you a bit,calm down then tell you they are both there for you,take care,good luck, Ray xx