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Smoking At a wedding reception.

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dot.hawkes | 00:10 Sun 04th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
44 Answers
Why is this allowed when people of all ages including very small children are all together in a room? Has this not been stopped now? When i arrived at the reception there were no ash trays anywhere and so i thought great, i can relax and enjoy the evening, but one of the barstaff passed an ashtray to one of the guests at the bar and the next thing half the room are after ashtrays, is the presence of an ashtray a signal for smokers to light up? No matter who is around? i am furious that I have yet again had a night ruined because i could hardly breathe.


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WM, have you been on the sherry tonight dear boy,as your spelling has gone somewhat AWOL?
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elvis give over changing the subject it was just getting interesting! :)
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Sorry dot, but I smell a rat
Elvis, this is deffo WM......if it wasn't he'd have given me what for......but he knows I'm a nice lady..... I think!!
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Ok I`ll take your word for it,but a Captain in the British Army...not being able to spell the Queens English...tut tut!
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Ok seeing as you asked...was it meant to be chose or choOse...Leukemia or LeukAemia?
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LOL at elvis giving WM a telling off for bad spelling! make him do lines elvis lol
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WM.....don't you start agrueing tonight, or I'll have to come around and take that foot spa from under your feet.... :)
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i am off to bed now, i closed this question at number 20 as an experiment to see what happened when a question was closed, all it means is the poster doesn't get emails each time a post is added, but I don't get a notification on my screen anyway, i only see them when i actually look at my inbox, so that was a waste of an experiment, carry on. nite all, nite Bez enjoy tomorrow!
Somebady eh?,,apoligise ME?..nott me sihpmayt
Thanks Dot..........nite god bless mate....xx
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