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guess who

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Dan Glebitts | 22:20 Tue 06th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
26 Answers

someone is trying to fill the whole screen with questions, and not different questions, just slight alterations to an original one...can you guess who it is?



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Ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........................Is it me??????????x

I am confused. I have reported every single thread of hers as advertising/other, since she is spamming the site and clearly just doing it to **** everyone off.

Why is no one else reporting her???????

I have.x

and me

Question Author

et moi

Surely they should go now then??????????x

OK so why are they still there?

Have we all been reporting it differently? Perhaps we all have to agree on which little box to check off?

Question Author
and yes katie it is you...would you please leave, i cant stand your innocentness/cuteness any longer!!!! Go before i kick you out! ;-)
Question Author

oh the attention she must be receiving...

Innocent & cute???x
Question Author
i say innocent...and cute...but i really mean....

Come on people... focus! LOL!

i have reported them too, head doing or what???
Question Author
lets just report it as duplicate answer

perhaps they speak russian!!

So sorry estie. I'm focused now. Promise.x
ruge i thought that too!!
Question Author
maybe they are from the A-team...

OK we need to try something different.

Everyone get out your aliases and report her as "not a question". That should do the trick :)

(and I was thinking exactly the same thing about the russian)

Hmmm. The Russian thing may be possible. The A-Team thing is just so........erm....innocent & cute. Ahh!x

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