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james_m246 | 23:40 Thu 15th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
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Do you believe in God ?

And if you do what convinces you and if you don't what convinces you?



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Yes james I believe in God, and some of the things that convince me is all the learning I have done about God through out my life. I also feel God around me in bad times giving me strengh to make it through so many situations. I also see God when the most unbelievable good things happen in this world when all odds were against a good ending. I could go on and on with how I believe in the God right to the deepest part of my soul. But I wont.. lol.. Interesting question james, what made you think of it?
I was a lonely teenage broncin� buck
With a pink carnation and a pickup truck,
But I knew I was out of luck
The day the music died.
Ya I think it's lies.

If I wanted to influence a lot of people, I would make a religion which has a God which can't be proven to be HERE nor proven to NOT be here.

I think FALSE HOPE plays a MASSIVE part in peoples lives, they say they believe because if they don't they are going against family values and tradition.

Mass Influence. Think for yourself.

Again, I'll answer before I read the others or I'll end up responding to them as well as my own opinion.

In a word, no. There are a few tiny clues there is an intelligent design, but no more. But heaps of evidence of unintelligent and damned inefficient design (think of parasites, viruses and the like). If God was not just a supernatural force, but a conscious and intelligent (and most of all caring) one he'd have done far better than this. It's like a work in progress that is far from perfect and that would mean if God did exist he'd be far from omnipotent but more of an inventor and scientist working things out as he went along.

And hiding from his subjects since biblical times is hardly good PR either.

just out of interest, are there any americans on here?

because i was on an american site and this question was asked and the place erupted with angry assertions that god is real, spoken in a very 'cut-off' stilted way, some frankly nutty assertions that god exists and your souls are damned etc and some soppy, floaty ones - god is love, jesus saves etc - almost everyone was absolutely positive and couldn't wait to bible bash everyone.

The most common form of mental illness is the delusion of religion!

hypnotism and accupuncture are two subjects that i would not believe in if i hadnt seen with my own 1 eye. so maybe we dont know everything

i see GoOD all around me as i see dEVIL, i think its as simple as that ... be good

Religion is a political tool created to brainwash the masses and provide justification for wars and the such like.

Henry VIII created the church of England purely so he could re-marry in a church and now millions of people follow the protestant religion.

No one truley knows why or how the universe and our lives are here. Personally think it is one great big coincidence.

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Jennykins I don't want to disrespect yout beliefs but has the question never passed through your mind 'is its all just in your head'.
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I agree with you girl_lesbien, maybe I'll start up my own religion to give me an excuse to, errrr....??? loads and loads of chocolate cake or something!

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Also in reply to Jennykins I posted the question because I wanted to learn more about the people who believe in something that I believe to be so ludicrous.
I'm agnostic, yet most people think that it's a very wishy washy statement to make, sitting on the fence as it were. My agnosticism is actually the positive belief that other than througha personal religious experience there willnever be any evidence that could possibly confirm or deny the existence of God. I'm of the opinion that the only thing that can convince you of God's existence is a personal religious experience, and I haven't had one, so can't believe as a result. If anyone else had one, then I wouldn't claim that they're talking nonsense.
I asked this question before but it got deleated. I believe in God because I was a witness to one of the most famous miracles of modern times. There was a priest carving one joint of ham for orphaned children in the street.However he soon realised there were thousands of children lining the street for food and he had just 1 joint of meat.My Dad offered to help buy him some more but the priest realised as he was cutting the joint the volume of meat was not going down.The joint looked as if it had never been cut.In the end the 1 joint fed thousands of children and there was enough meat for 2 orphanages left.I am not religious but I believe in God because I saw this happen and can't say he doesn't.

ditto supernick

I'm an atheist/existentialist. I do not see the need in God. I do not see the need of forgiveness or being saved. I can look at this world understand its complexity and still be in awe of its beauty. I can picture the physical/chemical forces behind it all and still marvel at the phenomenon that is life. Although I believe 'in the fundamental interconnectidness of all things' I do not wish to limit it to God.

The questions I normally ask is where would we be if there was no Bible, Qur'an or any other religious text? Where would we draw our conclusions of creationism and God? Are we that scared of the complexity of life and Universe and the fact that we just can't have all the answers as to how it works that we have to attribute it to a whim of God?

I do not believe in God. I do not have the need of that belief in my life and my life is still complete and meaningful despite of that lack of belief.


girl-lesbian don't make me dislike you!!!! I am going off you as I write.

I was christened and brought up a spiritualist and truely believed that there was a caring loving "GOD", I even believed in "ANGELS" and having a spiritual "GUIDE" I had various ornaments dotted around my home of "ANGELS" and "PRAYING HANDS" even pictures of praying hands plus key rings of praying hands and angels. I wore a cross with praying hands on it also an angel on another chain.

Everyone of these items have been removed from neck and from the rooms of my home and have been packed away. "WHY" because now I "DONT" believe there is such a thing as caring, loving "GOD" its a load of "TOSH" after what has happening in this world of ours with wars, famine, crime ect, ect, There is a line in the Bible which states " God gives life, and god takes it away" some sort of joke I think!.........

For me for as long as I live I will never, ever wear a cross around my neck, my faith is dead and buried!..... along with my beloved puss "MERLIN" xxx

Sexy Russian I'm not going to say I have belief in God purely to create friends. I am what I am and believe what I believe.

Fantastic comment by JustSia, Iagree with what you said one hundred per cent hunny. I am fulfilled in my life, happy and excited by what the world has to offer. I have no need to believe that it was "created" by a higher being who loves me and will save me. I do not wish to be saved!

Of course Cat Woman, philosophers and scholars such as John Hick would claim that evil is a necessity. If we had no evil we would equally never appreciate good. More importantly, if there was no evil then we have no moral choices to make, and can't evn be good people ourselves. The presence of evil builds our character and souls.

I don't actually believe this, but I certainly think it's an interesting argument

I was joking girl-lesbian.I don't dislike you.

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