Ive recently been suffering with an annoying itch. I thought it had finally gone away yesterday when i tried my hardest not to scratch Sadly its just appeared again. Have i got the willpower to ignore as 4getmenot and have suggested. Will it then go away or have to suffer for a while longer?
oh SR, I get more sense outta my dog, ( he's japanese by the way). wait....... and he's big....bring your pom..er girlymut round!!!
I understand what you are doing, i think it is a cowardly act, if you don't like someone, just tell them in the normal way!! NOB....
O.K pippa I do not dislike you just like I do not dislike ANYONE on this site.Sorry but I don't hold a grudge against anyone on here and I like you all I know you would prefer if I hated you but I don't so there..Er and have you see my pomeranian.No it is GORGEOUS and it is fat and fluffy.It is way better then your dog.
better than whose dog girl, my dog is a dog, a working dog at 11 years of age, your pommerrrrthingy would get stuck in his teeth.. How do you study,, day RELEASE!! with sweep on arm??????
Don't be nasty my dog is about 1 foot high has fur about 2 feet high and HIS legs are about 3 inches high.He is little but sweet and I carry him around in my handbag(not the crocodile skin one that is causing an uproar).I will have to say goodbye to him soon though because when my Dad goes back to Russia he is taking him with him and I can only see him at the holidays.You sound like my Dad when I said I wanted a dog he said ''THAT is not a dog that is a ball of fluff on little legs ,get somthing that is in a small way useful''.
Someone get that ruskies dog wring it's neck,skin it,make a puppet out of it's skin,cook the dog and force feed the stupid bitch,bog off you russian whore!!!!
I don't mind red,the pain will be worth it,if I can sort that stupid bint out. but alas I will never answer another of her/his/it's ridiculously inane questions !!!!
raysparx im shocked and stunned and laughed like hell!! is the ed on holiday or is she deliberately ignoring these ones...lay off guys, just dont answer..tempting i know!! re the rash..have you by chance been to scotland and met the dreaded midge????