Dont know if this is a new suggestion but.... My wife snores v loudly (you can hear her down stairs in the lounge!). I try to focus on her breathing and match mine to it - Dont have much of a problem getting off to sleap then ......
On the other hand ... I snore and my wife carn't sleap ..... She has to wake me and get me to sleap on my side/front - I dont tend to snore then.
my dad used 2 snore really badly it kept my mum up all night . he was told 2 go to the doctors and he had all the stuff at the back of this throut tightened or sumthing but as time when on it got worse again i mean i cud hear it in my room, hes just bin into hosiptal because he had his tonsils taken out and all the stuff back there aand hooray he doesnt snore anymore try going to the doc's n asking him about that if his snoring is reli bad