Of course stealing anything is wrong but what amount would you consider serious and what amount would you consider stealing?.I really wanted an i-pod mini and my Dad said I already had an i-pod so was not allowed one so I stole one.I would consider what I did as mild robbery.I think it was worth about 130 pounds but was wondering what you would see as serious robbery.
Hmmmmm...this one might have been made up? D'oh, and there was me thinking SR always told the truth whiffey :o)
Ray..could I trouble you for a mint condom? not too keen on the strawberry ones and minty ones give you that nice warm feeling like your nethers are on fire.
Whiffey is only pregnant if he got hold of the condom I gave to the lesbian so she could have my baby,but people say she lies,so I want it back,but I think she may have used some of the contents on herself and then gave it to whiffey but it's my sperm !!!!