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Your partner - most annoying thing they do???

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PinkFizz | 10:09 Wed 05th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
52 Answers
What is it that they regularly do that drives you nuts? Either in a funny way or "im gona strangle them if they do that one more time!!"


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I've not got a partner but I've been living with my flatmate nearly 3 years, so he'll do.
He NEVER wipes the surfaces down or washes the floor etc. Give him a job that doesn't come up very often, like salting the dishwasher and he's there in a flash, but the everyday jobs must get done by pixies as far as he's concerned.
He always walks a half-pace behind me, just on my shoulder if we go anywhere. Even if I slow down it's the same. It drives me BARMY. (and means I always get to the bar first)
He stresses the need for all of our bills etc to go in the 'important file' which he keeps, yet we can never find anything.
How can he watch Eastenders with me every time its on, but not ahve the faintest idea what's going on???????

And another one. We open a packet of biscuits for the world cup game (it's party central in our flat), and he offers me one. I say thanks and take it - it's a party ring and I'm quite partial to them.
Honest to God, 15 minutes later I reach for another and they're all gone. 19 party rings he's just eaten, in 15 MINUTES, or 1.26 biscuits per minute. Unbelievable.
My wife falls asleep on the settee at night with a drink in her hand and never spills a drop. Me? I nod off for a milli second and wake up as if i have wet myself, with beer all over me.

It pi$$es me off that much that when she falls asleep now, I get a straw and drink all her drink without her knowing. A very confused wife when she finally awakes.

Still love her to bits though.
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lol - these are great!!

I have this daft thing with a cup of tea - I HAVE to put the teabag and milk in first,then add the hot water - its just the way I like it,but he insisys on putting the teabag and hot water in,THEN he adds the milk last!! I tell him that I dont like the taste that way and he just laughs and tells me that its just the same(its not,honest!!)
Oh and another..

When Mr Pippa makes me a cup of tea he stirs it with the same spoon he has used for his coffee....urrrrgghh!

glenn..I thought you were going to say that you tipped her drink on her lap, lol.
when i am trying to get my point across about something and he'll finish my sentence and presume what i am going to say. when he says that my view is wrong and i tell him that wasn't what i was going to say in the first place he just says i'm only saying that coz i don't want to b wrong, when most of the time what he thinks i'm going to say isn't what i am going to say!!!!! (if that makes sense) aaaaarrrrggghhhh!!!!!
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Pippa - thats soooo annoying,using the same spoon for tea and coffee!!
Glenn - can imagine you tiptoeing over and drinking her tea - lol.

the way he has to have the TV remote control. i'll be sat on the sofa watching something. he walks in and sits down and immediately starts looking for the remote. when he sees that i've got it he expects me to give it to him straight away - even though he wants to watch the same as me!!

over the years the kids have started doing this as well!!
so now i've got him and the kids arguing over the remote!!

but we all what to watch the same thing!! Grrrrrrrrrr!!
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Oh,and he will put the music channel on TV,and I will be quite happily singing along to a track - when he turns it over to another song!!! Then does exactly the same thing 8 or 9 times in a row!! Grrrr
My wife has only one habit that I find mildy annoying (she'd be here all day with mine!) and that is her tendency to converse with me when I'm in another room, so I can hear that she's speaking to me, but I can't hear what she's saying.

An offshoot of that is that she'll call me from another room, and by the time I have moved to a point where she can hear me answer, she will have called at least twice more, and then ask why I didn't reply the first time.

I think if that's the worst thing i can find to say about someone I've been with for 26 years, then I haven't got a lot to maon about.
hi pink!! is he trying to tell u something about your singing????? lol!! only joking xXx
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lol Posy - he does it with all programmes,I will be quite happily engrossed in something ,then just as Im about to find out who's the murderer,or who is sleeping with whom,I will suddenly find myself watching the Grand Prix - aaaggghhh!!!
i'm so glad i'm single, the cat pooing on the bathroom floor can be pretty damn annoying tho!

but when i DID live with my ex the list is endless

channel hopping you just get interested in somethingand off he goes, being unable to out dirty washing in the washing basket even tho its in the same room
wet towels on the floor
making sanwiches food etc and not wiping or claening up after himself
washing the glasses LAST when doing the washing up and not rinsing the sink out after washing up
taking hours in the loo
not cleaning the loo afterwards
making nasty smells

i'm going to shut up now x
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Supernick - thats one annoying flatmate - all the party rings,how could he!!!
Andy - pretty impressive!

oh mccfluff my husband does all of those things!!! aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really like doing this ^ at the mo it really helps me vent my frustration!!! i shouldn't complain really, he goes away in 2 weeks for 12 weeks and i know i'm gonna really miss him xXx
Can I ask whats up with washign glasses last?? I always do I hate washing glasses but I do wash them last. Empty dishwater then put new water in and wash glasses
oh and he always has a runny nose at night, he just wipes his nose and throws the tissue on the floor!!! he never picks them up it's always down to me!!!!
4getmenot the problem was he didn't change the water so was using the old manky stuff and i used to have to wash them again, it used to drive me barmy
Aah channel hopping. Unfortunately one of my favourite pastimes.
- Getting irritated with me when he's stressed
- Losing his patience with his stupid b*starding car which never bl**dy works
- Washing his big oily hands with a nailbrush, which means that the splatter marks go all up the tiles and the wall, then not rinsing the black soup off his hands properly before drying his hands on a clean towel
- And then not replacing said towel back over the rail properly
- Waiting till I've done all the dishes and cleaned up, before getting up, drinking half a glass of juice, and then putting the glass into the sink and sitting back down again
- Shedding hair everywhere
- Not using shapoo and conditioner properly. He doesn't rub it into a proper lather and get all his hair involved, he just smears it on the top, and then rinses it off. What about the hair underneath?!
- Constantly changing his mind about whether he wants kids or not.

but I do love him....

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