Am I Being Stupid?? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Am I Being Stupid??

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CrazyDaisy80 | 16:54 Tue 11th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
Okay, I am having an Engagement Party on Saturday and Pete's (Hubby to be....) Brother didn't get the Invite as Pete put the wrong Address on it. He has now had a go at Pete's Mum....
I said that he shouldn't have had a go at his Mum, especially as she didn't send the Invites out and that if he started something at the Party then he could leave and Pete thinks I am being stupid saying that!!
Comments/Suggestions please....
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why is he having a go. Did he not know about the party? Surely he wouldnt have needed a written invitation as its his brothers party?
Id be inclined not to say anything like that to him or your bf before the party, but obviously if anything starts at the party then ask him to leave.
Its up to Pete and his brother to resolve this before the day
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Well, I said that as well, that he didn't need a Formal Invite, but he's really making a Fuss about it. But to his Mum not to Pete so Pete's all like "Oh well if he doesn't tell me how he's feeling then I can't do anything about it" which I kind of think is a bit like burying his Head in the Sand!!
Thanks for the Advice though, I shal Zip my Mouth shut and hope that nothing happens at the Party!!
firstly, congrats on the engagement.

Secondly, hubby may see rothers behaviour as silly and nothing to worry about. I would highlight to hubby that it's an important day for you and you don't want anything daft happening.

Perhaps you ought to contact brother yourself. Apologise for the misunderstanding and draw a line under it.
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That isn't a bad idea atolhurst - might try that!! Thanks!!
Hi crazy,

First of all Congratulations,hope all goes well for you both,

He shouldn't have a go at anybody,it's a mistake for christ sake,why do people get so uptight about such trivial and silly things as this, tell the silly sod to grow up,have a great party, Ray xx
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Well, I am hoping that someone will have the decency to tell him nicely if he says something on Saturday, but my Family, Alcohol and 'niceness' don't always go together!!
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