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this ones controversial!!

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The Sherman | 18:27 Fri 14th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
ok im gonna have my piece this has probably been done a thousand times before but pro lifer christians are probably the worst strain of evolution i have ever seen in my life discuss.......


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why does there have to be faith? you can have love, life, fun and passion without having a faith?
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my posts arent going up?
Ruddy hell- well I killed this discussion stone dead didn't I? :-(
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i cant post an answer????
It is just a religion, like any other religion.

Zoom out and look at the fuller picture.
The Sherman, do you believe the historical writings of Caesar - e.g. the Gallic Wars - to be accurate ?

There is more documentary evidence for the New Testament than any other ancient writings. So why do so many people reject it out of hand, yet will happily believe that Caesar threw his armies against a stronghold admirably fortified by both nature and man.

Why, in the first 100 years after Christ, INVENT a religion, unless something extraordinary happened. Why have 4 differing and occasionally contradictory accounts ? If I was going to invent a religion, I'd pay more attention to detail.

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