I was at a wedding last night so I've got the worst hangover of my life and I'm stuck at work til 20.30 tonight.......!!
What can I do to make it go away??..........I'm drinking water at the mo but I've had a bottle of Lucozade, 2 paracetamol and some Rennies but I still feel cr@ppy - my head is ok but my stomach is doing somersaults!!
if you can get hold of some bread, dry toast usually settles my stomach if i'm feeling dodgy, really feel for you being at work with a hg is no fun take care xx
get some bananas or banana milkshake they have potasiam in them you loose that through drinking i to have a bad hangover i will just crack another can of fosters open later
remember to take Andrews or Alka Seltzer before u go to sleep, it will work on your stomach whilst u sleep and in the morning u will go to the toilet and all the poison/waste in your stomach will be gone, so no headache.
You can take it before you go out, so it works whilst you drink ! just try it once believe me I havent had a hangover for years.