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PinkFizz | 09:03 Tue 18th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
58 Answers
I have that policewoman due here at ten to take a statement about last weeks events with ex and im dreading it!!


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Oh bugg*r!!
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God I wish I'd kept the txts he sent a month ago when he said he was "gona send the boys round".
Hi pinkie,

just don't worry,you have done nothing wrong,it's that ex of yours that needs his bumps read,cos he has got something wrong up top, take care Ray xx
Perhaps you should call the station and ask to speak to an inspector. If Ward's right then she shouldn't be allowed to just lie to you!
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Just re-read the card that one one of them gave me - she is a PC in the Domestic Violence Unit.So it probably means that they are going to go to his house and tell him what a naught boy he has been and not to do it again!!

Well thats not very good is it!!?
Well it's not very b100dy useful!

But most likely it will still scare him enough not to do it again and at least the complaint is logged so if he does then next time maybe they'll be more forceful.

I don't know hun, it never rains but it pours eh?!
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WM -he was arrested many times for violence towards me a few years ago and was charged with at least 2.He was also arrested a month ago for assualting his neighbour,he was photographed and fingerprinted,but the neighbout in the end "decided to drop charges"
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soooooo - what they are doing is infact - nothing???

They will just smack his wrists??
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Thankyou WM for all your advice - you're a sweetie.x
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Bloody hell fire!

I was sick all last week and have no idea WTF is going on.

Pink - whatever has happened (i must go back and find last week's posts!) i do hope you are ok. Sorry, that's a terribly ineffectual thing to say, but my thoughts are with you none-the-less :0) x
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Hi fee- hope you're feeling loads better.If you key in "I had a terrible eve last night" into the seach bit it will bring up the original story.x
Oh excellent. Thanks. I'll do that as soon as i have some uninterrupted time on pc.
Pink, sorry i didnt come back to see result til now.
If hes already got a record of abuse towards you then they have to do something. Did you speak to the WPC again?
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Im still waiting for them to call me and say if they have spoken to him or not,but I ve got a nasty feeling they haven't.The more I read what WM said earlier the more I think that they didnt want to sit here and take a statement which could have taken them up to 2 hours,They were only here half an hour.If I havent heard by 5pm Im going to call them back.B/F txt me for an update and is not happy with them at all.

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