I know it's not the best thing to do, but does anyone have any tips on how to lose some weight really quickly?Have to lose a bit by Saturday week!!Will try to do it in a healthier way after that though!!Thanks in advance
its not the healthy way to do it but eating no carbohydrates works for me, I usually do it for 2 - 3 weeks before I go on holiday and the weight drops off but I would never do it often and for long periods of time. I just drink water and eat meat or fish with green vegetables.
Hi headless rat- when I want to lose a few pounds pronto I eat fruit and yogurt for breakfast, light lunch like a baked spud with salad and stirfry with brown rice or noodles for tea. Minimum bread, no snacks except for fruit, lots of water, no fried food. You will be starving but it does work. Depending on how much you need to lose, I can lose about 5-6 pounds in two weeks but Im 5.5 and 9.10lbs usually. Good luck
Well my tip isnt really that healthy, but my friend wanted to lose weight fast so she just drank water and ate liquidised vegetables for a week...she lost like a stone.
then there is a diet called the chemical diet, i dunno if you put it in google something might come up, but thats guranteed to make you lose a stone as well. but you should only do both for one week and thats it
i know its not healthy but if its weight you wann lose then these work.
This is a variation of the cabbage soup diet. If you follow it to the letter you can loose up to a stone in a week. It has been quoted that doctors recommend this to overweight patients before surgery.
Make a huge pan of vegetable soup. Any vegetable can be used except parsnips and only 2 potatoes. You can eat this soup any time of the day or night. If you run out make some more... You can use any herbs or seasoning, (watch the salt intake). Day 1 - Soup, and fresh fruit. (except bananas). You can eat any amount of fruit and soup. Day 2 - Eat soup and unlimited vegetables,(cooked or raw). for dinner have large jacket with butter. (yes butter). Day 3 - Unlimited soup and bananas. At this stage of the diet your potassium levels are falling so you can have up to 7 bananas today. Day 4 - unlimited soup and vegetables. . Day 5 - Unlimited soup and fruit. Except bananas. Day 6 - Unlimited soup plus beef and tomatoes. You can have these again in unlimited amounts. Day 7 - Unlimited soup, chicken and brown rice. And that is basically it. It is quite boring but as long as you stick to it you should never be hungry and you will lose weight. I did this a couple of years ago and lost 17lbs in a week. Good luck. Let us know how you get on.
I think all the above answers are really helpful but I'd just add that there is a quick week's weight-loss diet and exercise plan in today's Daily Star (not my usual read, btw!) which seems quite sensible. Hope you get a good result, x