This morning, in my porch, there was a very odd looking fly that I've seen a few times and I don't know what it is. It has red eyes, is black with grey stripes accross its tail and it's wings stick out a bit. It is quite big, with quite thick black legs and visible suckers on its feet that are sort of yellow in colour. At first I thought it might be a horsefly, but it's too fast moving and basically doesn't look anything like one, but it does bite. I was concerned it could be a blandford fly (I live on the south wilts/north dorset border), but I think it's too big. Any ideas?
From what you describe, to me it sounds like a 'flesh fly'.
sorry I dont have a photo to sent but try to get an image by Googling the name to see if you can get a match. Good Luck Tbird+