im doing the disability awareness badge with my brownies and kinda need some help. there are three sections - blindess, deafness, mobility disabilities. the final section is to look into two other disabilities but for the life of me i cant think of any others. can anyone help? do you think learning disabilities would count?
Well there are people who cannot smell who might not know there was a gas leak etc. Or there are those who do not feel pain, not sure if that is counted as a disability as such, but they injure themselves. Or what about not being able to speak. I think learning disability would count but it is rather a general term, but you could perhaps highlight one in particular i.e. Downs Syndrome.
What about the lack of mobility in some of the elderly, difficulties in crossing a busy road because they move slowly, one of my resident many years ago pointed out that she couldn't go to the post box if it was raining because she was slower moving she just got very wet and cold. Also the elderly can suffer from reduced hearing and sight, succeptability to cold etc. It might be nice for them to be aware of the subtle side of disability.