Feeling destraught in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Feeling destraught

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sweetrussian | 14:29 Thu 24th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
128 Answers
My girlfriend and I had a massive argument a few days ago and she phoned me up yesterday to say she had put a video of us having sex on her website as a punishment for me.I am not so concerned about that but I was worried if it would show up on Google or Yahoo.To my amazment it was one of the ones that came up first on Yahoo and it says it has been viewed 27 times eventhough it has been only on there for just over 24 hours.I feel sick inside to think of all those dirty old men fantacising over me.I have been crying non stop and cannot get that image out of my head.I have not eaten and I feel destraught.Firstly how can I get it removed and what can I do to make myself feel better? I bet some of you are delighted I am so sad.
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ive been away for a wee while found the video trust me sweetrussian you have nothing to worry about it is logged under [ how to put up shelves in three easy steps ] panic over lol
ah you're way ahead of me. Oh well sh!t happens, you shouldnt have done it in first place.
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I thought Cobra would be the first to make a stupid insensitive comment like that but well done steviep it was you instead.Just search on Yahoo for it you might aswell everyone else seems to have seen it.
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O.k nasty people I have learnt my lesson.No I can see it.I have reported it but it is still there .How proffesional! I have not watched it ,it would make me sick.
So you�re upset coz people are looking at it and now you�re telling people to look at it, you idiot! And no eeeeugghhhhh no thanks it might make me blind, well hopefully for those few seconds.
They won't remove it straight away until they get round to it
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The damage is done so people might aswell look at it.I would prefer if they didn't but some people from AB are bound to and might even post it on here.I hope not but it does not matter now the damage is done even if it was removed.
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Thanks azif you are the only nice one here (apart from china doll) nice name by the way.
she told you yesterday?

so whats the one you were talking about on Monday? You dont seem too upset by the fact thers a video of you and girlfriend there. going out for 3 or 2 years, surely a uni student can count? http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Body-and-Soul/Q uestion279049.html

Oh dear TROLL, you really do need to keep a list of what you lie about each day to stop such messy mistakes
yer some people on AB are bound to especially if you post a question about it!!!! But dont worry anyone that doesnt want to loose their lunch wont.
nice one redcrx. I think she should keep a diary. so she wasnt bothered yesterday that her ex had posted videos of her.
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I am not with you.We had a big argument on Sunday which is when she must have thought up her plan and we have been arguning for the last few days.We have been together since I was 16.
hormones can play havoc with the memory
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On monday I never knew there was a video on the internet of me so of course I was not bothered!
whats stupid and insensitive about it. i have no intention of looking at your no-doubt hideous countenance. just want to make sure you arnt a lying scumbag.
do none of you get bored with this? I don't think it is even the original SR anyway, not arrogant enough
That's a good film !!

Which one are you ?

I've projected it onto the wall and had a peer with a magnifying glass but I can't decide :)
plus the space missing after the full stop is too consistent, too thought about. lol
You had no idea on monday that there was a video of you on the internet and yet you said this, and I quote:
"My ex has videos of us on the internet anyway."

Do you suffer from short term memory loss? Maybe you're one of these people you wakes up every morning having completely forgotten everything they did the day before.
read your post, Monday 21/08 - Yes if you want.My ex has videos of us on the internet anyway. You put it!!!

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