Me and zeus were texting yesterday and he asked me a few questions. I have no credit so will answer them here.
No I will not hump you (hump?) No you cannot have a link to the video of me and my ex sleeping together No you cannot have a kiss No you will never turn me No I do not fancy you and never will Please can you talk about something toher then sex? How about food,clothes,work,holidays?@ Then again he would probobly find a way to include sex in all of those things.
This is the real me.You must be the ED or else you would not be able to sign in with EXACTLY the same username.You would have to put a dot in or something. Proof that the ED really is my girlfriend or maybe the ED is ME!
oh this is tedious in the extreme can someone post an interesting and uique thread that isn't a rehash of the who is SR debate please, the joke is older than me.