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Amber1571 | 21:13 Tue 29th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
90 Answers
you all live? What area, I mean, not your actual full postal address.

I am in North Wales, but I am not Welsh.


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Lancashire but I was born at top o't Cragg, Mytholmroyd, West Yorkshire.
Cheekiness Zorro! My upbringing was painfully strict, and I managed to lose my accent pretty much - you'll only hear twangs of it when I get annoyed and start ranting! "Yam...sodding...Yam!" lol
im a london gal...born and breed
i'm in nottingham, but originally came from aldershot, (army baby), have been mostly all over the world when younger, then dad's last posting was chilwell (nottinghamshire)(1960's) but since then have moved all over nottinghamshire! so don't think i belong anywhere ! :-(
How many more times?
How much longer????
nearer belfast but parts of enniskillen is very nice
I know joby it is a hardy perennial
somerset, but lived in cornwall and peterborough before here, from reading originally xXx
Im in West Yorkshire
Near belfast x x x x x x
Down the road from CrazyDaisy...

Originally from London (Edgware without the 'e' whiffey)

~posy~ bet your glad you know longer live in Peterborough?
why n00dles? i liked living in peterborough xXx
good god I live in peterborough and its a sh1t hole!
Carla, Bob's from that neck of the woods...have you ever bumped into him there
3 out of 4 people living in Peterborough, are not from GB

boy have they got problems...

national press ain't got it wrong...
Yes i have seen him Zorro he normally crosses the road when he sees me :))) x x x x x x x x
Dublin now originally from chester
I am from GB, but just not Peterborough. The main population here is currently eastern european.

whoohooo I say!
tis very true n00dles, but i still liked it. it was home for 9 yrs, i got used to it xXx
dgware tic-toc ? where's that the noo ?

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