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crete | 10:39 Fri 01st Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
43 Answers
who over the weekend will have a tantrum and throw their rattle out the pram ? lol.


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kipchik i dont understand your reply a bit thick.could someone explain thanks
was it fun when you did crete? I think it could be a laugh but does in entail any sort of mental breakdown as i have to be back at work monday morning for important meetings.

perhaps i could have a tantrum xmas weekend instead?
wooo hoooo
whiffey !!!!!!!!!!
i remember someone throwing their dummy out of the pram on a certain rat thread on A&N,well and truly through it some distance too/
Aaaah they're not a bad bunch joby, I'm just not looking forward to slumping my heavy butt on foundation stage chairs. Well, actually, it's the getting back up without having to roll off onto the floor first that I'm concerned about.

If that little boy you know mentions anything about his I.C.T teacher acting all weird, falling off of chairs and rolling about the floor........ try not to giggle too much ok!!
I probobly shouldn't ask this, but what do you mean by a tantrum ? Do you mean having an argument, or adopting an unusual contrary stance, going against the flow ?

(Sorry again, one of the tips whiffey gave me was "be constantly irrititating and awkward if you want to be convincing" lol)
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thanks guys for the replies, knew i wasnt flavour of the month with some of you but some of the hostility seems to be directed at the fact i am being confused with whiffey i can assure you i find whiffey as odd as you lot MOST of the time, may prepare my resignation speech when i return from lunch at the pub, lol
oh ohohoh whiffey is crete m or f ??
Hang on fms, I'll send a quick txt and get back to you.
Save money,just look in the mirror.
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what difference does it make ? im female
resignation speech! See i knew it would be you, wish Id put a fiver on it now, am gutted

crete i love you ;~0
fms, is that why you needed to check if crete was male or female? lol
Here is the txt, reads:

"cant decide. stop disturbing me. bog off"
yeh so mysterious hehe
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fms you can come out to lunch with us but dont bring anyone with you,
fms, be careful, they may never let you return.
I told you crete was a girl red
oh cool wat shall i wear

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