Reading another post today, it struck me that some dogs do some strange things when they hear certain noises. My shar-pei goes beserk when he hears the church bells ring and stands at the front door wining, he won't do this however when the door bell goes?? He is a rescue so not sure how that all came about. He also goes and hides when a doggie windy pops comes out (its actually really funny) he can't find somewhere quick enough to hide and knows when it is his and not someone elses!! Do your dogs do funny things?
I play bagpipes and my yorkie used to run around all excited when he saw me take them out and when I started to play he used to sit by my feet and howl like a wolf. He died 2 months ago but he was 16 so didn't do too bad :(
One of my staffies are crazy about Kites. Especially those ones which look like parachutes. He runs around on the ground looking up at it barking and chasing it. There's no calling him back as he's in a zone.