I can not believe I read that only days after the Australian guy who was killed by the stingray, there are videos circling the net and computer games being created (yesterdays Star). This guy may have been eccentric but maybe that was his way of getting noticed to raise the cash to look after and help what would have turned out to be many dead or extinct animals, god bless his family.
This guy? You mean Steve Irwin? He was world famous and worked as you say for conservation of all wild life, why do you not know his name if you are so bothered?
do you know when anything like this happens you always get sickos trying to make money out off other peoples misery they never think of the harm it does to the peoples families hopfuly they will not be aware of any of this and can greave in peace
Because not every one is an animal lover and aould know his name ok? So I put the description instead so every1 not just youreslf your highness would know.
I havn't looked but my husband said that the lads in Nissan were talking about Rotten.com and a few other weird ones, and as I said whether its true or not it did hit the headlines yesterday (if you can call the Star Headlines??)
Well Rotten.com is a sick site and I would recommend keeping away...it is a site for disgraceful & sickening images, so if you don't like it don't look!
You offended me by not using his name, he was amazing how could you not just name him in your question at least once? have you just put a question together for the sake of it without actually being that bothered about who you are referring to?
I'm with Dotty on this one, what's so hard about typing Steve Irwin?
anyway, In answer to your question... It's just like any other celeb death, first come the jokes, then the links to video clips etc followed by a series of text messages which will question what so n so has in common with blah blah blah.
some people aren't offended by such jokes and some people are. It's just one of those things.
Well Dot we havn't all got our bus passes sorry, and take a Kalm might just do the trick. Go and play with another thread, or you could get those knitting needles back out
You are mixing me up with another aber i am thinking, i am nowhere near buspass age, all you need to do is a wee bit more research and thought when putting a thread together, do you not have google? you could have googled dead aussie conservation guy.