Feeling blue :O( in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Feeling blue :O(

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spk | 10:42 Tue 19th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
Im having a hard time just now- Ive just come back from travelling for a year and Im kipping on a friends couch until I moved into a flat in 3 weeks, just started a new job with horrible customers, stressed about money stuff and my friend that Im staying with picked a fight with me last night because Im a bit preoccupied lately. Anybody have any nice stories to cheer me up? Im teetering on the edge and need some happy thoughts ! Thanks x
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Don't know about happy thoughts but you could have a laugh trying to imagine me at 4.30pm today entertaining a house of 7 yr olds for my son's birthday,all on my own - and with a broken metatarsal !! Help!!!
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aww pinkfizz you poor thing ! Have you got painkillers and stuff? x
yes,Ive got codeine and paracetamol.Im so p*ssed off as I am meant to be having my birthday surprise this weekend and my boyfriend is saying that he doesnt think I will be able to do it.Now he doesnt know that I know what it is,but thats beside the point.
I can't believe it hurts so much!!
Enough about me - just think its only 21 days till you get your flat - thats not long!
Spend the three weeks browsing through catalogues and daydreaming about what you'll put in your new flat :oD Should kill some time til the big move
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It never rains but it pours eh pinkfizz ! And its your birthday as well you poor sausage :O( Yup 3 weeks on tuesday and I am wishing my life away and I hate doing that. Its really tough adjusting to being back Im not sure my year away was worth the hassle and staying positive sometimes isnt that easy. I know Im lucky and all the other jibber jabber comments but it would be nice to just crawl under a rock for a few days instead of sleeping on a lumpy couch for 3 more flamin weeks x
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ah thanks dizzieblonde Ive got the argos catalogue permanently under my oxter and it does help actually. Its like my security blanket at the moment ! x
awww, you have my sympathies- but remember it will get better !! i am having a rubbish day too, work is rubbish and i have a cold
okay,let me think:

You have only 21 days on that sofa and then the new flat.
You can plan how to decorate it and make it your own little paradise.
Its only 3 months to Christmas!!okay,that may not be good!!)
Its sunny today!
You can always change your job
You can make up with your friend over a bottle of wine.

How am I doing??
Two Co-Codamol and One Ibuprofen every 6 hours always worked for me for severe pain Fizz, although it can make some people pretty drowsy and knocked off, so see how back it gets. Just make sure none of the little tykes accidentally stands on your foot while they're running around! :oO
see how *bad* it gets, even
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thanks pinkfizz Im feeling lots more stable again ! :O) Good luck with the 7 year old teraways ! xx
No happy stories, but I just wanted to welcome you back, spk. I remember when you were in Australia in May, you were here for me in my studying agony at 4am most nights! So thanks!
spk - my sister spent a year travelling about 15 years ago and she suffered from the same 'depression' you describe when she came back too, appaerently very common. She said she'd changed and her friends lives had all moved on without her, eventually she settled back into everything and met a chap on a train who was in and identical situation have also just got back, he's now my brother in law.!

dont have any happy thoughts but it may make you feel better to know you are not me, i lost my nan in march, my nephew at two days old a couple of months ago and to top it off my daughter was knocked of her bike nearly three weeks and suffered bleeding on the brain, shes home now and making steady progress, so you see there is always some body worse of than you. hope you feel better soon x
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Loopy Im so sorry you are having a hard time - I hope things get easier for you. Disasters are like buses arent they , all come at once. Big cyber hug and slap on my wrist for being such a moaning minnie ! :O) x

Thanks Hellion- nice to hear Im not the only one I feel exactly how your sister did its tough. You kinda expect everything to be the same but things change and it takes some adjusting but I will get there x
Drestie - good to see you again ! We were all so proud of you gettin your exams :O)

spk, how are you ? good to see you back, 3 weeks ain't long, hang on in there, I was gonna say I can come round and we could have a shag, but if your allready feeling down, don't wanna make it worse,do I, mind you might give you a laugh when I plop me todger out xx
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Ha ha thanks Ray ! I just spat my tea back in its cup hee hee ! :O) Glad you are as cheeky as ever ! x

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