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Hot date !

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spk | 12:02 Fri 22nd Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
66 Answers
I have a date on wednesday with a guy Ive known for about 5 years that I used to work with, I always liked him but he was in a relationship so obviously I never did anything about it. BUT hes now single and all nicely available and we are just going for a drink, but Im a bit nervous as Im really fond of him.. Any vital dating tips? And what to wear?!!! Arrgh !
Thanks in advance !
A happy spk xxx


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lol !! xxx
Maybe he would like a foursome?? Is he into that kind of thing?? (ahem....)

Fivesome methinks; I found the chuffin' outfits!
Question Author
Oi u lot hands off hes MINE ! And Im no sharin right ?

sorry natalie!!
Spk - my mother always taught me to share!! hee hee
nooooo a sixsome!!! Me and Pinkfizz only count for half because we've both only got one leg available!
very true nat!!

Oh go on spk - you could at least give the guy a choice!! lol
Afterall, we are only trying to help you out here.

Chances are, one night with us and he would go screaming for the hills. Just make sure you're waiting there to comfort him.
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Ahh but its been a while and I dont want to share. :O( Maybe if I can test ride him first and then we can see !

Question Author
I reeally hope he doesnt come on AB.... GULP.
how about this. whilst ur test riding him will just wait at the end of the bed - obviously minding our own business. Once u give us the all clear me and pinkfizz will make a head start and attempt to lay comfortably whilst natalie prepares the lubriacations and toys.

sound like a plan?
Why haven't you got your lippy on? lol
Oh I get the good job huh?

*snaps the rubber gloves on*
Cool plan nat!!

I think you should describe this guy to us spk - I need to visualise!!
Question Author
are we still all wearing the masks at this stage or just you 3 at the end?
erm,maybe we have slipped into the fishnet moon boots by now!
well, don't be too laid back and natural or he may think you're just renewing a friendship; without actually jumping on him, try to let him know you're interested

(Actually, you could jump on him, but he might think afterwards it was all too easy and back off.)
Question Author
Hes tall, dark hair, piercing blue eyes, nice skin, good body, particularly nice arms ( he works out ) and ooooh so dreamy...

and his fone number is.........??
And he has a penchant for disguise masks? He's obviously a WIERDO and you should immediately hand him over to me.

(I love the way jno came in, sensibly answered the Q, and then sauntered out again completely ignoring the fact that s/he had walked in the middle of a really weird plan)

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