adonia how in tarnation are you still able to post, I expected you to have been long banned from the site due to the nasty inane peevish drivel you posted the other nite. Oh well, try again, it can't be long, you have had your card marked by quite a few and i didn't even get a chance to report your hostile and offensive remarks.
dot, have a word with your mate fluff.
she's just accused me of being the person impostering you.
thats the thanks i get for defending her against the likes of adonia.
come on adonia you're all at sea with this one, make a contribution to the topic under discussion or get your stick and your little knotted hanky and take a hike.
adonia you have no idea who I am , you being a greenie newbie and all, you have no idea who anyone is yet as you have only just joined the site, sit it out a bit longer or you will be banned before you even get to know who we are.