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laurence2 | 15:56 Wed 04th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
42 Answers
Without sounding morbid or upsetting anyone, do you dream or think how your going to die?

I keep thinking that i'll have a massive heart-attack one of these days, and that will be the end for me

Apologies once again if AB's find this question a little upsetting, its not intended to offend


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And Pinkfizz - surely you are making yourself ill worrying like that??

I work silly hours rearing calves so I am too knackered to even think before my head hits the pillow!!
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no problems nicky.

Don't do it again lol
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pinkfizz, do the lights stay on for the rest of the night then?

Do you also have a phobia about the dark?
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Am I alone in being utterly morbid?
Ward-minter??? - what on earth are you on about - she is worried about dying - not getting laid!!!!
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am i
On the original subject - no, I don't think either of you are morbid - it is something I am sure everyone thinks about, just maybe not all the time
It's all the roadworks they've been doing round Palmeira Square, It's being doing my head in with the noise. "I wish I was dead!"
Yes, I think a lot about death. I'm not scared of being dead, Just about how it will happen. I think that most people have these thoughts occasionally but I find it worse when I get depressed.
But surely once you�re gone you�re gone punkfuzz, I worry about death but not myself dying more people that will end up going before me, loved ones, well if things go as they�re supposed to.
The one thing that worries me is leaving my kids behind!
And who will have them, hubby is useless but he would want them but I would rather my mum had them.
i always think about death, i hate that i think about it so much!! i cant help it, im very very thourough when it comes to checking things in the house i.e the iron is of, or my straightners, or the gas is of. and even though i no iv turned them of i always go to bed and then get up to check them again, otherwise i wouldnt sleep. and this is all because i think theres gonna be a fire etc... and il die !!

strange i no!!
Oh my god an opposite to stylinsam, I'm always leaving hot things on. I am the clumsiest person.
I am not scared of death, but most of the time life scares me. Nothing is simple any more.

We have totally screwed up our planet environmentally and there are so many evil people out in the big world.

I am not sure if the fact that I am a manic depressive has anything to do with my attitude, or whether I am just being realistic.
(pppsssst....parties starting in the "help the drunk" thread...)
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I had a dream about a month ago about death and when i woke up i said phew i'm glad theres no such thing as death really :| then i realised that yes, there is such thing as death and it gave me a real shock. I have no clue how i could have forget so easily, probably still half asleep but now i keep having death dreams. It doesn't help that a relatives funeral is tomorrow but last week i dreamed i had cancer and i had minutes to live and i couldn't speak and my mum was asking me to do something on the internet for her and didn't care too much that i was about to die. Silly uh? Im weird i know but maybe it has a deeper meaning. One that i can't understand but yes death and being dead and dying scares me. But i'll leave you with a slightly misworded quote (because i can't remember the exact words) "Some people are so concerned about death, that they forget to live"
WM - you nibble away honey!

No,I don't think about death in the day at all,but just sometimes when I am lying in bed it comes into my head and then I have to go downstairs,have a cup of tea and switch the lights on,maybe go on the pc for a bit,then after half hour,I turn the lights out and go back to bed.

Now you all think im wierd!!
Hi Laurence - no,the dark doesnt bother me at all.

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