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whats your IQ??

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Agent_Smith | 23:28 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
42 Answers
i have just taken an iq test and i have an IQ of 127,i think thats good?? whats yours??


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Champaigne wins!
166 believe it or not.My boyfriend was very miffed as he is an IT whiz and his was 154. hee hee!
You do all know that in a real IQ test anything over 150 is a genius and less that 1% of the population
What can I say!
I am a member of DENSA
An IQ of 136 is in the top 2% of test results and is supposed to be good enough for entry into Mensa.
I took the admission test into Mensa and got a score of 120/132 on the Cattell scale which was a pass so I got in.
The best bit was that I eventually went to work with a couple of snotty people who had tried to get in and failed.
Passing the test just means I was good at answering a particular type of question.
It's logical application.

I do a lot of puzzle books so I'm usually very good at IQ tests. Put me in a pub quiz though and I'm only good for drinking!! My general knowledge sucks.
I just took the test and that was the result I got - maybe I will take it again if its apparently too high.Will try later on.
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i am gonna do it again tonight, and this time john michel jarre wont be blairing out in the background!!!

(it's my excuse and i am gonna use it!!!
Did I mention that my 138 was when i was drunk, and stoned out of my head...and asleep
Just did it again and it is now 217 - is that high?? ; 0 )
no Zorro you ommited to give us that info but it explains everything let us know what result you get when you are awake ? lol
Some people are not taking this question seriously lol
how dare they, tut tut tut ,
Okay really and truly was 166 which I thought was pretty ok,but I will def try it again when I have time.
148 (apparently). Must have been having an out of body experience at the time!
122 im well chuffed with that as i guessed most of the questions :~)
This is mine :

IQ score is 120
You are equipped with a verbal arsenal that enables you to understand complex issues and communicate on a particularly high level, making you a Word Warrior. Your command of words is so powerful that you are also a terrific communicator -- able to articulate big ideas to just about anyone.

The power of words translates to fresh ideas off paper too, in both artistic and creative pursuits. This allows you to be a visionary -- to extrapolate and come up with a multitude of fresh ideas.
190 was a prodigy child
member of mensa

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