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lisaanne | 18:32 Thu 12th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
how long would you get to live if you had a lung tumour


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Just on that information alone, its impossible to predict, ie the tumour could be the size of a egg/grapefruit etc, their is no EXACT time scale.

Ps, please don't take this as an Exact answer to your question

i think there is about a 5% chance of being alive after 5 years.
sorry correction .. according to cancerreaserchuk it 25% survival at 1 year ( meaning that 25% of those diagnosed will still be alive a year later), and 5 year survival is 7%
There are some regional variations, national variations and gender variations
but you would also hav to take into account things such as age at diagnosis, whether the disaes is lcalized, or regional or distant spread at diagnosis. There are also different survival rates for different types of lung cancer (ie non small cell, mesothelioma, small cell, lymphoma of the lung etc) so its not a straightforward answer
lisanne, the only person who can answer that question - is the consultant who has seen the tumour. Time is a guessing game with cancer even for the specialists. I was told several times that I had between a few days to a few weeks to live at most. I had two types of bone cancer which then spread to other tissues within my body. To cut a long story short I am still here and have been in remission for about 19 years despite doctors in 3 countries having given up on me. A few months after I got the all clear though, my beautiful 17 year old son started his fight against brain cancer. He was first told he had about 6 months to live, then within three days the doctors changed that to ten years and we were ecstatic with joy. A week later they said they had made a mistake and it would only be about 1 year max. In the end Kevin died three days before his 21st birthday after a battle of nearly four years. So what I want to say to you is this - please don't bank on any predictions that are made ...
Some tumours that are contained can be totally removed from the lung and the surrounding tissue is then treated to kill off any remaining cells. My boss had lung cancer and had several operations to first remove a large tumour and later several smaller ones. He lived for 16 years after being diagnosed. So you see, there are no fast rules! Remember, there are also a lot of people who beat cancer nowadays. So take hope! May I ask who it is you are worried about?
I lost a cousin in June. She had lung cancer which responed well to the chemo but the cancer then spread to her liver and kidneys. All of this took just 15 months. All cases are unique lisaanne.

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