after having 4 months of blood spotting and a nagging pain in the area of my ovary my doctor sent me for a scan. the scan showed an 8cm 'septated cyst'. i am now awaiting an appointment to see the gyno at the hospital. does anyone know the significance of a septated cyst compared to a simple cyst? i am 45 and have been having pains for about a year.
Not sure if this is help or hope.. at 19 I had pre cancerous cells removed following a smear.. whilst they finished the Op they discovers a water mellon size cyst attached to my ovary.. 2 weeks later I was backunder the knife having the cyst and my ovary removed. It turned out to be a dermoid cyst (complete with teeth and hair!!!!!!!!!!) however I made a full recovery and hope to start a family next year at the age of 31. best wishes x
A septated cyst means a cyst which has visible cell walls, so it is more complex than a simple cyst.
Cysts can sometimes resolve themselves, but a complex or septated cyst does carry a higher risk of malignancy, so it is quite important to monitor it through ultrasound etc. I would imagine it is likely that a laparoscopy would be recommended for biopsy purposes, and maybe a CA-125 antigen test, which is a screening test for malignancy.
my goodness Pembie!! how did you not notice something of that size?! thanks for your answer and good luck with starting a family. i am at an age where i am happy if they whip the whole lot out! i have 2 children and am pre menopausal.
ha ha.. not sure bootcoot, however I did lose 10lbs soon after!!! Which was nice at 19!!!! Not to go into too much detail but we were 4 days late this month.... however this morning.... not to be... never mind we have got skiing to look forward to in Feb. I wish you all the best and as we are hoping, miracles do happen, our thoughts are with you. Two Children���..we hope we can be that blessed xx
Good luck pembie.from me too. Took 10 years to have our first of two. Keep tying !
bootcut - I had it all whipped out a couple of years ago. best thing I ever did post children.
If there is any risk of malignancy then I would recommend !
an update. my cyst is too big to be removed by laparoscopy and a hysterectomy and removal of both ovaries has been recommended. am having this done on 11th December. Cyst has grown between the time of the 2 scans taken. had the CA-125 blood test and am awaiting results! am in quite a lot of continual pain now so will be relief when all is removed.