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Proud or ashamed to be British

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RATTER15 | 19:09 Thu 26th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
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What makes you proud to be British?

What makes you ashamed to be British?


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(Small parenthetical interjection here. If you are sitting in an armchair somewhere in the UK and are disgusted with your country, in which other country would you prefer to be in order to regain your pride ?)
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Whiffey, look at the waiting lists for any operation, I have just had to wait for 12 months to spend one night in hospital for an investigation into my sleep apnea, I hardly slept all night because of noise and a faulty computer sending alarm bells ringing alerting nurses that I had just died. 4 months later I am still waiting for the results of my night in hospital.

I also need an operation on my hand, I waited four months to see a specialist and I'm told the waiting list for the operation is about 6 months, and this one of the best hospitals in the country.

We have the highest proportion of invalids due to simple operations being left for so long that many of these complaints become inoperable leaving people permanently disabled and I do have first hand knowledge of this

The education system is failing our kids in a big way, I have seen my kids go through school and they can get away with anything in school now, loads of youngsters leaving school that can barely read and write (not my kids I hasten to add as I helped to teach them myself) and i'm not talking about an inner city school or in a deprived area. either.

The government being corrupt, just read the papers!!

But Whiffey, there is a lot more to our country than political stuff, like I said, I am very proud to be British
British- we just get on with it!

Aussie- we dont give a sh1t!

Mix them up and you got me! :-))
Yes, of course the NHS is crap, as is Blair - and of course Bush - ho ho dare anybody to say anything contrary !

What Britain WILL do is politically correct itself out of existence, and all from comfortable armchairs, probably veiled, compulsorily.

"The government is corrupt - just read the papers."

This is unspeakably stupid and insulting. How dare you make blanket statements like that ? Only because you *can*, and be thankful that you *can* utter such libellous nonsense. You will have to vote Tory next time around, because Blair and his cronies are so wicked ha ha !

Frankly, you are stuck with the evils of a fine Western democracy.

We don't have to read the papers to believe in the NHS shambles. Most of us have experienced it first hand. I have too many stories to write here.Waiting lists,mistakes,and mis-management for starters.Everyone has a horror story-even nurses and doctors.
We're all well aware that journalists can whip us up into a frenzy about things and make us vote one way or another,but we can SEE for ourselves occasionally!
ganesh, please write your stories.

There is a perception based on fact that the NHS is crap.

How ganesh, would you make it different ? Put more money in maybe, but that would imply higher taxes and there's no way we want to pay for our services, we want them for free. We want more money to spend on gas-guzzlers, stuff in Tescos, and health only when we become ill (which we won't of course lol)
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Might have expected the rants from people who are not satisfied with their own lives.

I love my country Great Britain.

Red White and Blue, these colours don't run !
ashamed of the British food and of the skankiness behaviour of slappers.
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Whiffey if you cant see what is stuck right in front of you that is your problem, but please don't go insulting me and other people for giving our honest opinions!

Fender62, you think the NHS is free, who are you kidding, where do you think the money comes from to fund the NHS? our taxes mate!!!!! why do you think we pay so much?

France has a similar NHS to ours, the only difference is the French NHS works, operations in France cost the french NHS less than half of what they cost here, no MRSA minuscule waiting lists far higher success rate, and you don't see invalids on every road because they are treated before whilst they are still treatable, My own disabled partner was even advised to go to France for her surgery by her own Doctor!! Whiffey these are the views of the vast majority of British Doctors who are fed up with this system and are leaving in their droves and are being replaced by foreign Doctors. I can go on but do I need to?

People are dying every day because of the failings of this NHS.

And no I wont be voting Tory! each party is as corrupt as the next and I don't want have to say that I voted for any corrupt party, its a shame that I cant vote as there is no party that is trustworthy!!

Whiffey I think you are in denial, i'm sorry but its all staring you in the face and you just cannot see it.

Filthiestfis. "the British food" now that is a sweeping statement! do you mean the British food or the way we cook it? We now have some of the best food on offer from all over the world and some of the worlds best Chefs to cook it. Maybe I didn't understand the question?

I agree about the some of the British Girls falling around in the streets after getting so drunk, the foul language, they struggle to put a sentence together without using the F word and worse!! but this also applies to the guys of course!!

I love my Country I'm just
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I love my country i'm just pointing out some of its short coming and every country has them!!
Whiffey-Yes, I do think we should pay higher taxes if that's what it takes to sort out the NHS and it can't be funded from anywhere else. I am a socialist and I believe in the ideal of the NHS,but I do think it's in a bad state and I have seen it for myself.
To mention just a few(I could write a book!), My little boy had to wait 6 hours on a Friday night in pain wth a broken collar bone, at Casualty having to see drunken yobs come in with blood pouring down their faces after a fight..
My appendix apparently had nearly ruptured after waiting overnight in hospital because the surgeons wern't sure it was an emergency and it was after 9pm,so they officially had to wait until the morning.
I had to ask for clean sheets 2 days after lying on blood-stained sheets after having a baby,which were when delivered to by bedside cabinet in a pile.
I am still waiting for a gastro-endoscopy aft er 12months,and have heard nothing.
My elderley father had to stay in an extra night as we couldn't take him home as the doctor in charge had forgotten to sign the release form and gone home (Urgently needed beds?)
And how about the 16year old girl who lives not far from us who has just died from massive overdosing of radiation for a brain tumour.?
I have a friend who is a midwife and she says there is a real danger to babies and mothers because of understaffing and yet there are apparently many qualified midwives looking for work.
Well,youdid ask for some stories and I know I'm not the only one who has them.
I am glad that we have Freedom of Speech,and that we are accepting of other cultures and religions(despite what the papers say) and are a muti-racial society,but I have travelled quite a bit and can put GB into perspective.
If we British still believe we are th "Envy of the world " then we are sadly deluding ourselves.
End of rant!!
Go to Leeds Castle in July and see the Royal Philharmonic, it will make you cry, all the Union Jacks etc. etc. Wonderful. It is the small piece of England that remains.
Re: The NHS yes it is in some ways a bit of mess,but speaking from a personal point of view I will give you two examples of a positive outcome.

Wednesday, My wife goes for Mamogram, Cancer cells discovered.

Thursday. Healt visitor calls round to house to explain what happens

Sunday, Wife goes into hospital

Monday, Biopsy done

Friday Two weeks later, Cancer confirmed

Sunday wife goes in again

Monday, Operated on,Breast renoved plus lymph nodes from armpit

6 months of chemo,followed by tamoxifen for 5 years she is still having check ups but is ok.

The other example, my son is working in a trench, 14ft deep trench collapses trapping him, outcome broken back in 3 places,ball joint on hip snapped off, hip repaired that evening, 3days later transferred to Gobowen Hospital, back operated on steel plates inserted, we are told he may never walk again, Thank god he is now walking about, he needs hip replacement op, but in both these cases I cannot praise the Drs & Nurse highly enough, I know it has now become a sort of postcode lottery, but the emergency side,from my experience was superb, sorry to rabbit on so much, Ray

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Ray, sorry to hear about your wife's illness, I wish her and your son a prompt recovery!!

I agree with you Ray, from an emergency point of view the Doctors and Nurses are fantastic!! they all get my respect.

The problem is with management and the millions of pounds wasted every year!!


I agree with you,The NHS is the same as all big Buisnesses, too many Chiefs and not enough indians, money wasted on Contract Cleaners who don't care and form filling idiots running all departments, sad to see it going the way it is.
nox has said what I wanted to say :o) as usual, far more eloquently than I could ever muster!

The only difference being that I am English..I guess it is ok to say you are Scottish/Welsh/Irish and not British so I am gonna stick my neck out & do the same (please note the tongue firmly in cheek).
Ray ~ please send my love to Mrs have both been through the mill & it is lovely to see you come out the other side bruised, battered but not beaten :o)

My mother has had the same experience, ray. A lump was discovered on a mammogram and she was seen the following week at a hospital in Guildford. Several tests were performed, and all was done & dusted in a couple of weeks.

I wish I could say the same for my ex mother in law. She had been constantly ill for months and was fobbed off by several GPs. After soiling herself in the bus queue (no, seriously) her son (my ex) had enough of the situation & demanded she be seen PDQ. Yet again cancelled appointments ensued..mother in law steadily lost weight and eventually (3 months later) she was taken into hospital.

To cut the story a bit shorter, she was in hospital for 2 months. She had part of her bowel removed & a colostomy fitted. During the operation they lost her briefly as she went into shock. She is fine now, but it took a grand total of 13 months before she was seen by a specialist..postcodes do play a part in this of course, but the way she was treated was foul.
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Pippa, this is typical of how they waste millions of pounds, if people are diagnosed and treated sooner, they would save a fortune on the major operations let alone the millions that the government spend out on sickness benefits to people who are unable to work whilst waiting years for surgery.
I agree RATTER.

My mother in law feels incredibly guilty at the amount of money her bags & pants cost ~ but I point out to her that no tax payer in their right mind would begrudge paying for them. What I do begrudge paying for is the bloody bronze statue in the hospital grounds...�15,000 for a piece of metal nobody knows is there? do me a favour!!!

Plus they are in the middle of sorting out whether the A&E are going to close soon....

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