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bride or groom

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devilwoman | 08:32 Sun 29th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
when you go to a wedding nowadays does the usher ask you...... bride or groom, or is that not the case any more?


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I don't know the answer but I sincerely hope not as my daughter is getting married next year and we do not have a big family although she has quite a few friends. The grooms family would make us look like we are billy no mates.
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i think thats what they did on corrie just before the tragic non marriage of bev and fred, they asked ,....bride or groom, ? but dont know if tha happens in real life, i'm sure you'll be fine though, dont worry about it, maggie
Depends on how formal the wedding is. I have been directed to the correct side by the usher recently at a wedding.
where i live this is still the norm.
Still the norm here too - except the ushers generally know most if not all of the guests so don't need to ask

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bride or groom

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