I'm 33 and seem to have a knack of remembering things that should put me at an age of around 45 -50 I don't quite know what it is, maybe born too late or something along those lines.
It's almost like being two people, I'm young at heart yet there's a side of me that loves the 'good old days'
Driving home today there was a song on the radio - I hate every thing about you by Ugly Kid Joe... my fiance laughed when I said 'this must be around 15 yrs old'
fact is, it was out in 1992, I was 20 he was 13, bless lol
gulp, just realised how much older than him I am!!
I don't mind some of the Beatles music, not keen on the stones tho.
gimme the killers any day.
*books herself in for a blue rinse*