Is it just me or is one of the first things you do when you are home for the night is remove the bra?? Phew nothing beats the relief. I even go commando after about 8pm. There! said it ; )
I always change out of my work clothes when I get home - usually put my pyjamas on so yes, braless and knickerless! But to be honest sunflower, your bra shouldn't cause you so much grief - maybe you need to get measured in case you have the wrong size?
LOL pippa~!! You are my age, did you learn the bra trick off Flashdance? We were all so impressed at the time when the dancer did that on the film. Cool trick I do it with me knickers?
I take my bra and knickers off as soon as I close and bolt the front door. It's that sense of freedom. If I close the dining room door I can be sure that nobody can see me even reflected in the hall mirror, so I can get down to it with a vengeance.