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My body and soul

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PatriciaH | 16:43 Thu 14th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
Im in the right category for this i know-
my soul feels cleansed but my body is still craving for a ciggarette- ( sometimes during the day ) i gave up a week ago today and i feel dead chuffed cos im doing great- cold turkey as well ! IF THIS GETS DELETED ED IL EAT MY HAT ( IF I HAD ONE THAT IS ) cos im sick of getting deleted ..........


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Well done u i stopped for 2 years but realised i enjoy it so i started mmmm lovely tabs
I gave up for 3 months once, god knows why I started again. I will make another attempt soon.

Stick with it
I don't smoke so I don't know what it is like trying to give up. No easy I bet. Think of all the goodies you will be able to afford. Stick with it and treat yourself to something nice after each month or so. Well done!
You are doing so well Patricia, don't give in to your feelings now!

I gave up at the end of Jan 2000, and like you did it 'cold turkey' as I really wanted to this time, plus I couldn't afford the pills and potions.

When you have these cravings tell yourself this is your body adjusting itself to all the poisons that's been overwhelming your poor system, then think how clean and fresh you are smelling - and not like a dog end any more!

Keep going, as the only alternitive is to resume smoking again - and you don't want to go back to that again, do you?
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A couple of people at work went ouside for a smoke and it was like YUCK , YOU TWO STINK !! I said it without thinking .... god - i must of smelt the same after smoking
no more for me -i hope i can do it..
Of course you can.

The trick is not to keep sayin 'I hope I can do this'. It's too much pressure and too negative. Think of yourself as a non smoker - as this is what you are now.

I hope to join you soon (01/01/07) New years' resolution. Keep it up. Be an example for me to follow. They should have a sub section for us poor addicts.
Not a good idea Theland, again too much pressure and New Years Resolutions are made to be broken.

Pick a date that's special for your situation. What about January 6th......more appropriate ?
Sorry Patricia for the cross posting.
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No probs cetti : )
Theland, i just made a snap decision last thursday night and did it , i still had some ciggarettes but gave them away , good luck to you for whenever you think you can give it your best to stop x
Well good for you PatH. Just think, if you stick with it, you won�t have to step outside the pub for a puff come July 07. I reckon a big part of it will be when you stop thinking about it so the more you keep abstaining the less you will think about it (hopefully) and tadaaaa, no more smelliness, yellow fingers, bad breath and bad teeth for you. And probably an extra few quid in the pocket every week.
Well done patriciah keep up the good work, you will feel better, taste stuff, smell better and have loads more dosh. I gave it up nearly 21 years ago after my Mum died horribly and painfully from Emphysema, frightened me so much it was easy to stop, i hope you can keep'on the wagon'.
ummmm smokes?

Bang goes another illusion.

Well, I've only got myself to blame.
PatriciaH....keep at it .I gave up a few months ago and it hasnt been easy but it hasnt been impossibe either.There are times now when i pass someone in the street with a ciggy and I cant help but have a good sniff and think hmmm, that sure smells tempting.Then there are other times when I smell a ciggy and it smells revolting.thats when I know that its getting better.One of the biggest incentives (for me)to giving up was the cash and its been great to be able to buy some decent xmas pressies this year without having to resort to a social fund loan.The cravings lessen with time and it does get easier but I think that if you'r an addict (of any description) then you need to be prepared for when the cravings strike.Good luck and stick at it...
Why's that Ctrak?

Your a greeny so you are gonna have me thinking now!!!

I'm giving up because it is a horrible habit
Hi Trish! Good for you! My husband keeps trying to give up,and he finds it soo hard. He has managed to cut down a lot,and generally manages not to smoke during the day at work,but still can't kick the few in the evening. He's thinking of going cold turkey too! I used to smoke years ago,and when I gave up,the worst times were when I couldn't have the cigarette that came at the set times of the day i.e. with a cuppa at tea break,lunch time and after my meal in the evening.Also,of course,when you go out!..At the end of the day..sheer will power is the only way you'll get through,and how proud you'll be of yourself then :-)..Btw..even if you do have a sneaky one..don't see it as a failure,and start smoking again!! Its just a set back,and you haven't spoiled anything! Good luck again!
Hi patricia,I'm so pleased you're still doing well. I posted when you originally decided to give up. Next week is my 3 month mark and so far I've made 3 car loan payments! Better than putting the money in my lungs I reckon. I am a bit fatter but who cares. I'll sort that next! Keep going. xx
Like they say barb1314, if you can give up smoking you can lose weight!!!
Do you like the blues Ctrak?
"I love the blues almost as
Much as I love you, ummmm,
My love those blues is almost
As much as my love for ummmm,
It gives almost as much pleasure
As her shapely....behind."

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