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finish the following sentence

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curlyfilm | 01:14 Fri 15th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
42 Answers
i love to see a woman in...............?


i love to see a man in......................?


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Ummm you and your likes are spoiling this site. I don't come on here as often as I used to and why? because of you and your buddies inane rubbish.

I love a craic, but if it's not something of a sexual nature your and your buddies don't reply.

The serious questions get ignored. Oh I'll reiterate the serious questions do get replys, maybe 1 or 2.

This is the www, I'm sure you can find a site that suits.

Oh and before your buddies jump to your defence. Thats my opinion and I'm entitled to that.

Merry Christmas.
It's OK...everyone's entitled to an opinion.

It's just that some people's opinions are wrong :-P
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Cause your a lovely person bigbirdmorg, who's feelings should be taken into consideration......I think NOT uestion326722.html
I love it when people say "I dont come on here as much as I used to....coz people like you are spoiling the site" then search them and find they have only 6 entries in the AB search

.....amazing how these names come outa nowhere as if they are already here under a different name but dont want to slate you under their usual name.
I know, saddo's

I only said I like my men tied to a bed!
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I hadn't even seen that before ummmm, that's horrible :( charming huh!!!
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A man in a firekit!!! Or absolutely nothing!!!
Sorry Jenna.....It was the only one I could find. As Zorro said a search only returned six
It's ok hon, no worries :) it was them i was upset at not you :) x
I know...but I wouldn't have posted it if I thought you hadn't seen it
who thinks my removed answers were offensive. ummmm was victimated aswell
Yours were really funny dilf....I couldn't stop laughing!!!
i have been on here since march and NEVER seen that name, jenna and Ummm you give far more to this site than...... who was it again, ever has.... what was that name now, hold on, it will come to me in a minute.,! Either way, any need for that personal attack!???? i think not!
from what i seen it was water off a ducks back to ummmm

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