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notfrom-oz | 23:59 Fri 05th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
131 Answers
am i alone?? am i the only person that doesnt go out on fri night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ho hum
right no more tea for me or i will be needing to wee till 3 you see ive got a bad knee and i lost my key flee tree flee my names not lee ,gee im sleepy


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Lol ummmm, brill :) this one of your black country saying again.....misiss to moan......whats that about
No it means I hope you haven't got an other half to moan - is that more normal speak???
There is young lady called ummmm
Who most of the time is a bum
But sometimes she`s sane
And to most she`s a pain
And she wants to give Ward Minter one
Pinky..Redbel is not a man lol
Where's mine??
Get it - sorry redbul (oops) other half is probably the best saying!!!!!
But I am still awaiting a poem....
Pinky.......I'm a female......jesus..thought my old username got peeps
sic - redbel (oops again)
Lol Elvis.....yea me and wardy sitting in a tree
I've read quite a few of wardy's posts and I'd give him one too -not just you Ummmn!!!
There was a young lady called Pink
Who typed before she did think
She called Redbel a man
Which laugh at I can
And in embarassment I think she will sink
I love Wardy.....he says what he thinks....... Maybe not to everybodys taste.......but he's always been nice to me......So she should be...He's a Bowie fan :)
Yea pinky....I love Wardy....I do and everyone knows it!!!

and I dont care
he*..... not she......god he will have me guts
Wardy says he`s a man of the army
Yet he says lots of things that are barmy
What he claims is the truth
I find long in the tooth
And most of all it`s quite smarmy
Im going to bed now....good night to you all XXXX
Hey Elvis before I not knock the God that is known as Minter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nite ummmm1.......glad we sorted that's cyberspace......take care xxxx.........Catch u later.

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