Hi the real Sam x
I dont believe them i have seen one once and they clutch at straws. Thy told me the girl i was with at the time would be my wife and would have children.... that was 5 years ago i dumped her about three months later. I suppose they scare me to
I wouldn't go just in case they were real, if that makes any sense. I base my whole life on the fact that psychics/ghosts etc are not real. I think I would be more likely to go to the doc and say I was hallucinating than start believing in ghosts etc!
Do you mean a clairvoyant? If so then yes I went to one because I was interested as to what they did. This person (Marietta that used to be at Brighton Pier) sat sideways with her eyes shut and asked you not to answer her at all. What she came out with simply nobody could have known. Example - I had a great Aunt who used to send things in wrapping that it was a miracle to ever receive. One year the family received a grocers brown bag (sellotaped and labelled to us) of bulbs. We thought they might be onion bulbs but my Mother chucked them in the garden. The clairvoyant said to me "you have recently recieved some bulbs and you don't know what they are but you will find they grow to be the biggest most beautiful double daffodils that you have ever seen" and guess what? they did! Example- I telephoned her for an appointment and she said "my dear, I can't talk to you as there is a death in the house" and I thought she had a bereavement. My Father died suddenly two hours later. When I contacted her again and said how sorry I was to hear that she had had a bereavement she said to me, "no - I did not have a bereavement but you did that day, didn't you?" It was very unnerving.
Hi Sam.
I've been to one before a few years ago when i was feeling down & i guess i just wanted someone to tell me that something good would happen to me! lol
But i did think it was good & i'd go to one again.
had my tarot cards done once, and it was all very spooky and I believed every word. He was very insightful, said my relationship was doomed (it was), that I was having trouble with jealousy (I was), I was having a bad time learning to drive (I was), and that I would end up working in education or care (I did).
I'd never go now though, as I'm older and more cynical!!
I'm going in a couple of weeks, I'm quite curious but the main reason is because my mate is paying for me! She says its a great experience though, so we shall see!
Well I was very sceptical but unfortunately for me a week after my ex broke up with me she went to see one and she was so accurate.
She told her she has just broken up with someone, and it was her that broke it up. She told her that the relationship had been wrong for a while and it was the toughest but hardest thing to do which was all true! She then said she sees her getting a new car (a fortune teller the previous week had also predicted this) and guess what 3 weeks ago whilst moving her stuff out she wrote off her car!!
I keep wishing things would stop coming true as I want to get back with her but the fortune teller said we won't!! Grrrrrrrrrr.
Also my mum saw a spritualist after her parents died a year ago. When my dad was ever horrible to her or anything like that she would put some (not much just a little for revenge) stuff (like laxatives) in his dinner. She never told anyone ... the spritualist said to her "My god woman ... what have you been putting in his food! You mother says you don't put enough in!"
all cold reading, psychics, clairvoyants, mediums, call them what you like, all total b0llo0cks. the trouble is a lot of people want it to work so they can't help reaciting to them and helping them to cold read.
I do believe that some people have a special gift for this but there are a lot of con artists out there who give them a bad name and makes it hard to find someone with a real gift who is genuine.
No one has a special gift, if they did they'd pick up the $1m no one has yet! Unless they are so fabulously indifferent to money but we know that can't be true because the only reason they do it is for money! Charletans 100%!
Maybe they don't all want to be millionaires, the ones that are special and gifted? Maybe they just want to have fun while working at the carnival, circus etc or they could even just be altruistic by nature and want to help other people because they can...
I personally have never gone to one and I'm not a big believer in it either. Anyway, why go and worry about the future now, I'd rather deal with it when it happens.
joko - I am going back about 25 years and she is probably dead by now. I will ask old friends back home if she is still alive, but she was known as Marietta and had a home in Southsea, Portsmouth. I think yellow pages under clairvoyants had her listed as Marietta.
zimzam is correct...but if you aren't willing to be receptive to the person who is channelling that sort of energy, then it will not work for you. In any case some psychic readers give free, gratis readings and expect nothing in return