Physical: severe ear infection in both ears when I was 12. I remember asking my mum to kill me, the pain was so bad I really wanted to die. Rushed to hospital, woke up the OT specialist in the middle of the night (who said he had never seen anything like it before), got put on a drip and stayed in hospital for 2 weeks. That was bad enough, but then I got an allergic reaction from the strong antibiotic they gave me in the drip (never tested on children), and developped polyarthritis in all my limbs. Re-hospital, this one for 2 months. Those 2 things are the most painful experiences I have ever had.
Emotional: my relationship (or lack of now) with my father, whom I haven't seen in 12 years. I don't know where he is, not even if he is still alive. He has hurt me more than anybody else. :-(
But hey, I'm ok now! lol :O)