Just as a follow up to Jenna's answer, my uncle suffered similar a couple of years after he left the army (in his mid-twenties). His boils mostly appeared around his neck and into his hairline. It turned out to be diabetes, so I would recommend that visit to the doctor, Alan, if only to put your mind at rest.
Meantime, yes, keep your skin as clean as possible, and use antibacterial/non-scented soaps/cleansers where possible to guard against infection.
I used to know a girl who got a boil on a rather tender part of her anatomy (I'll spare you the blushes). It became infected and she was in so much pain that her bloke had to take her to the hospital, and she collapsed in the taxi on the way. She ended up with a large wound that had to be packed every day for a fortnight, by a visiting nurse.
So get the problem sorted, eh? You know it makes sense.