I thought the idea of a stand-up comedian is that they're supposed to be funny?
If I didn't cut, or brush my hair for 6 months, and then spent my life shouting at people in a 'Barry Scott' esque way, then I'd be as hilarious as he is?
he is minging , unfunny, scruffy and prances about
like Laurence Llewellyn Bowen
i would cheerfully gag him any day
why does he get so much female attention
I don't like his dress sense much but the thing I just can't believe is that despite being trashed in national newspapers about joking about victims of childhood cancer, he still didn't have the guts to apologise to the family of the featured girl who'd died of cancer aged just 15 or so. It wouldn't have troubled him one bit to say that it was misjudged to upset that particular family, but he's just too arrogant to lose face and that's cowardly. He makes me s1ck and I can't believe Ka\e Moss (or anybody) ever had anything to do with him. Sorry for that rant!
i like him, but i do find the constant going on about his dinkle and ball bags every single episode a bit tedious - the show is supposed to be about bb, but he just witters on far too much