They should both be banned from the BBC and the directors who sanctioned them should be sacked, however this seems unlikely as the BBC continues to "dumb down", didn't think they'd hit the gutter though.
It is what you expect from these two, they only seem to convert every show they are on, to filth. As soon as I see a show they are on, I have to switch over. Their minds are warped.
Being ex Merchant Navy/TAVR, and worked in factories, I am no prude, their mindless comments shoul be kept for private moments, they are small men, with small minds.
my two year old niece would do a better job how on earth could ****** like ross get a job anywhere, our local TESCO wouldnt have had him as a shelf stacker
It is an offence to make obscene phone calls so they should be prosecuted for that and the BBC should terminate their contracts ASAP. I've never liked Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross is well past his best nowadays.
No they should not face prosecution and no they should not be sacked.
I listened to this particular show as a podcast whilst walking my dog and I thought it was absobloodylutely hilarious - so funny in fact that I had to stop listening to it because it was making me laugh out loud which drew a number of nervous looks from a number of other dogwalkers.
I can't decide whether the posters on this thread have had a sense of humour bypass or are just simply sanctimonious. Or both.
Take the trouble to download it and listen - if it fails to raise even so much as a chuckle then a sense of humour bypass it is
It wasn't me they called Ethel so your question is neither here nor there.
Plus, to a degree, he has only got himself to blame - he was a scheduled guest, but when phoned wasn't in to take the call. Now I don't know how producing a radio show works, but I assume phone guests are told that they will be receiving a call at such and such a time. Not to be there to take the call is bloody rude.
Save you pity for somebody who needs it mate - I found it funny. You didn't.
I find Last of The Summer Wine crushingly unfunny, but clearly it does amuse some people otherwise the BBC wouldn't be recommissioning the turgid rubbish series series.
Just becuase I think it is rubbish wouldn't lead me to patronisingly and arrogantly pity those that do.